If your business operates in business to consumer sales, obtaining the working capital you need to run your business can be challenging. If your business operates card terminals, and you collect credit and debit card payments you could secure a business loan secured on the future receipts of your card terminal. Your business will receive an agreed cash lump sump, and is repaid by agreeing a fixed percentage of future card receipts. This is great for businesses as the loan repayments perfectly match the cash flow of your business. Funds can be used for a variety of business reasons including investing in stock, new equipment, refurbishment or cash for season trading. Some of the sectors supported:
Retail including online Hospitality – Pubs, Restaurants and Hotels Hair & Beauty Car garages Professionals – Vets and Dentists To discuss your business cash advance please get in touch.
Asset Finance Solutions is a trading style of Impact Commercial Finance Ltd which is an independent asset finance brokerage not a lender, as such we can introduce you to a wide range of finance providers depending on your requirements and circumstances. We are not independent financial advisors and so are unable to provide you with independent financial advice. Asset Finance Solutions may receive payment(s) or other benefit from the finance provider if you decide to enter into an agreement with them.
Impact Commercial Finance Ltd is an Appointed Representative of AFS Compliance Limited which is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority No. 625035
Impact Commercial Finance Ltd is a Franchisee of Asset Finance Solutions (UK) Ltd